No quality research institution in science can afford not to produce a Nobel laureate over long periods of time. It would clearly mean that its scientists are not thinking out of the box enough or not taking intellectual risks, qualities critical for the success of a research institution at a global level.

98% students are trying to achieve high grades, grab a good salary, job in their comfort zone.

Out of 98% only 2% are trying to do something different but the society trying to pull them down and from that 2%, some of them are trying to left the field just because lack of faith in their own work.

Only 0.5% are there to focus on their own field of research. This condition is not just for research field but for every layman who is trying be the superior.

Indian social surrounding is so bad. They prefer discouragement even if they know nothing about any particular field.

Otherwise indian students are highly intelligent and World knows about our intellectual level.

“Sensitivity in mind is much more than the productivity of the brain.”

When this percentile will rise above 55% then you will see, every Nobel prize will be there for an Indian

Indian science is usually a follower and not a leader in the global arena. And followers do not win Nobel Prizes.

Indian scientists are thus encouraged to pursue safe lines of research that are guaranteed to result in publications. Unless institutions reward risk-taking, Indian science will follow and not lead.

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