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So far there have been a few early signs that Rockstar is plotting the course for a new Grand Theft Auto, but the developers are keeping quiet about specific details. 26 October saw the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, meaning Rockstar will certainly dedicate at least 2018 and 2019 to its wild west series. But with that game out of the way, the path would be clear for a return to present-day crime action – whether that takes three or four years remains to be seen.

When it will be released?

We could be waiting until 2020 for the next Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) may take place in two locations — Vice City and South America.

What will it cost?

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GTA VI , as already mentioned above, is very likely to be released in the next generation of consoles and have a simpler version for the current consoles. Regarding the price, the date is so far away that you can not predict exactly how the consumption habits of the Rockstaraudience will change .

However, based on its latest release, which would be RedDead Redemption II , and to maintain the current price trend in the PlayStation Store, GTA 6 could cost an approximate of 5k (INR),in official national stores for shipping costs.

The Protagonist

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Other rumors have pointed to the fact that the new protagonist of GTA 6 would be a woman, since until now they have only had male protagonists. New trends and pressure from the community could lead Rockstar Games to get a female gangster to lead the story of the new GTA .

Various games such as Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider and The Last of Us have shown that having a female protagonist adds much to the depth of what is told in video games. Rockstar could use the same formula for future delivery.

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