BYE BYE 2018

This year has been pretty exciting for games .As we’re approaching its end we want to wave “2018” bye-bye with a bright note.Here are some of the awesome games of 2018.


Image result for god war 4

Throughout the game, players battle Norse mythological foes, such as dark elves, wulvers, draugrs, as well as Gullveig and the revenants, beings warped by seiðr magic, among many others.[Valkyries appear as optional boss battles, and among the many side quests, players can free the imprisoned dragonsFáfnir, Otr, and Reginn—dwarfs that were turned into dragons—in addition to battling one called Hræzlyr, a story-based boss battle.

The player controls the character Kratos in combo-based combat and puzzle game elements. He uses a magical battle axe, called the Leviathan Axe. which is infused with ice elemental magic. The axe can be thrown at enemies and magically summoned back to his hand (similar to Thor’s hammer Mjölnir). Larger enemies have precision targets and throwing the axe at those targets stuns the enemy. The weapon can also be thrown at environmental objects to trigger a damaging explosion and it can freeze objects and some enemies in place for puzzle solving until the axe is summoned back to Kratos’ hand. The axe has standard light and heavy attacks, and over time, it can be upgraded with runes to allow for special runic attacks, with one slot being for a light runic attack and the other for heavy. This provides players with a variety of options to cater to their own play style .

Red Dead Redemption 2 

The game brings back and deeply refines mechanics from the previous game, such as the combat, gun play, honor system and more. It also has many new features, including dual-wielding and swimming.

The game focuses heavily on player choice for the story and missions. Certain moments in the story will give players the option to accept or decline additional missions and lightly shape the plot around their choices.

The world and story of Red Dead Redemption 2 refuse to hurry you along, letting you luxuriate in the detailed dioramas of a dying Wild West, giving you the chance to make the experience, and Arthur, what you want it to be. Give it your time and attention and you’ll be rewarded with one of the most startling achievements of a decade of gaming, and memories of Arthur’s life that are so vivid they feel as real as those of your own. After a successful hunt, players can either skin and butcher the animal on the spot, or carry the whole carcass

Marvel’s Spider-Man

The player is able to use Spider-Man’s abilities such as web slinging and wall-crawling as well as other game play elements such as the ability to traverse using parkour, and the crafting and use of gadgets and alternative suits with special powers. Environmental combat, quick time events and stealth are also featured in the game .

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Choose between Kassandra or Alexios and mould them as you see fit, whether that’s into a ruthless killer like my Kassandra, or a seductive mercenary with a heart of gold as they run, gallop, and even sail their way across the Greek islands. As well as fleshing out naval gameplay so you can battle on the high seas, there’s also the option to romance enough characters to exhaust Cupid himself, leading to branching storylines and some very tongue-in-cheek innuendos.

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