Politics is the main problem of Local Government. Before invasion of nomads from middle East Government in India was totally in hands of the locals. King was only the coordinator.

During British Raj most of the powers were transferred to the government servants.The same model is now continued . Even in the biggest Municipal Council Municipal Commissioner enjoy all powers and Mayor enjoy the decorated position.

There is no proper and serious planning about various developmental and infrastructure projects that are taken up by the government as a result these projects are implemented haphazardly, with no or only limited tangible beneficial effect on the public.

Also there is lack of transparency how administration works and decisions are taken and this leads to wastage of public funds.

There is absolutely no accountability for faults of omission or commission committed by bureaucrats, government servants and even ministers. As a result the general public becomes victims of government’s inefficiency and maladministration.

Sometime I think that instead of pointing towards one another,the political parties can do a lot of things to re solve people problems. Hence can contribute towards development of India. One thing you can notice that sometimes a person takes bribe not because he is greedy ,but because sometimes the money that he/she earns is not enough to fulfill his/her needs. In my opinion police and all services branches should have higher salary so that they may feel comfort for what they earn. This may stop bribe.